Monday, August 25, 2008

Like I Said! Boring and Predictable

Beyonce is an outstanding performer, but when it comes to style i just feel that she is so typical. Unlike her stylish sister Solange, Beyonce allways looks so boring when it comes to being out in public, basically when it come to dressing herself. she looks glamorous at the red carpet events but when she is out in the street she looks so BLAW!

These Bootz are made for walking!

I think Rihanna is okay, but these gladiator inspired bootz are hot. I personally think that it is so funny how before her big good girl gone bad image makeover nobody really cared about her or her style. But hey im not hating, she's doing her thing and like i said the bootz ae sick.

New Vest!

this is kind of a last minute thing, but i just wanted to get your opinions on a vest that i just bought at Macy's it was on sale for 24$ the onriginal price was 38$, the black shirt underneath is from H&M and that was only 14$. i really dont know how i want to rock it but i just thought i show you guys how it looks.

Make Sure You Guys Get SOLANGES New ALBUM!

well tomorrow is the day, Solange's brand new Sophmore Album entitled Sol-Angele and The Hadley Street Dreams drops August 26. Now i am not no hardcore fan or anything, but i must say that this chick has style. She is so different from her boring, predictable big sister Beyonce. Besides style, this chick actually has some good music, i love the whole 60's feel, with a modern twist that she brings to the table, this album will contain fourteen tracks. She kind of gives me a Amy Winehouse feel except without the voice of course. this day and age with everybody downloading music, dont cheat the artist, they have to eat to just like us so go out and buy her album, besides it will only be 6.99$ at Target. Now you cant beat that, below is the actual album cover so go get and let me know what you guys think about it.